brachistochrone books

The Trouble I've Seen

Martha Gellhorn

Book cover of The Trouble I've Seen

Powerful. It has that weird 30’s Hollywood dialog (presumably they really spoke like that … ) which seems in danger of making everything a bit twee and distant like a black and white movie but instead it’s incredibly moving, in the same spirit as The Jungle or The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist but more immediate and more modern. You wouldn’t have to change much to turn this into 2018 reportage or a little touch of William Gibson to turn this into near future dystopia. Fokkers and Spads and the start of Count Zero are unlikely descendants.

I’m safe, Mrs Maddison thought, I’m safe for a little while; anyhow, till tomorrow.

fists black against the grey green sky

They stayed there as it grew dark, not talking, because neither of them could think of a comforting lie for the other to believe

that’s not the way to your house.