brachistochrone books

Light Of The Stars

Adam Frank

Book cover of Light Of The Stars

It’s not the Earth that needs saving. Instead, it’s us and our project of civilization that need a new direction. If we fail to make it across the difficult terrain we face, the planet will just move on without us, generating new species in the novel climate states it evolves. The “we suck” narrative makes us villains in a story that, ultimately, has none. What that story does have are experiments—the ones that failed and the ones that succeeded.

In total, Earth has six of these vast, circulating atmospheric flows, and the strongest of these, flowing just above and below the equator, are called Hadley cells.

All worlds obey the same rules: Earth, Mars, Venus, even an exoplanet a hundred light-years away. Most importantly, they are rules that we now understand because we’ve seen them working on more than one planet.

Life was not just a patchy green scruff holding a tenuous position between rock and air; instead, it was a planetary power as important as volcanoes and tide